The Kernel Task Manager, also know as TaskMan, allows
you to run tasks in the background while you continue working on your system.
A TaskMan program, called the Manager, runs at all times in the background.
The Manager monitors your system constantly looking for tasks requested
by foreground jobs.
Foreground jobs cannot start any background jobs. Instead, they call
a TaskMan API to queue job requests in the TASK and SCHEDULE files. The
Manager monitors the schedule file and initiates the background jobs as
needed. Submanagers are the processes that actually run tasks. The Manager
starts submanagers whenever more are needed to handle the current workload
of tasks. Each task performs the work it was created to do and then quits,
returning control back to the submanager that started it. The submanager
will wait around for a period of time for new tasks so that the Manager
won't have to start a new submanager. If no new tasks arrives during a
designed time, the submanager will quit.

Management Menu
Kernel provides system managers with a set of tools to
manage tasks. The TaskMan Management Menu is the main entry point into
Taskman options. It contains the following options:
Options - schedule options that run regularly and unschedule an option
that's no longer needed.
time Options Queue - queue a task to run only once without affecting
the option's normal schedule.
Management Utilities - provides several options to set up, monitor,
and modify TaskMan environment.
Tasks - choose between several useful ways of displaying tasks.
Tasks - unschedule a task so that the task remains in the TASKS file,
but is no longer scheduled to run.
Tasks - reschedule a task that has been unscheduled.
Tasks - unschedule a task and delete the task from the TASK file.
Options that are Scheduled to run - lists all currently scheduled options
on your system.
Task List - remove a task entry from a task list for a job that is
no longer running.
Options Recommended for Queuing - Displays all options that are recommended
for scheduling by the developer.

Management Utilities
A submenu on the TaskMan Management Menu, called the
Taskman Management Utilities, provides several options to setup, monitor,
and modify the TaskMan environment. This menu contains the following options:
TaskMan - displays the current state of TaskMan and offers you many
ways to get more information.
TaskMan's Environment - performs all of the checks that the Task Manager
does and identifies any problem with the environment.
TaskMan Parameters - edit the TaskMan parameter files.
Task Manager - ability to restart TaskMan if the Manager crashes or
is stopped.
TaskMan in a WAIT State - ability to turn the Manager's activities
off without having to completely shut down the Manager.
TaskMan from WAIT State - ability to turn the Manager's activities
back on to process tasks and allow submanagers to recycle.
Task Manager - provides a clean way of stopping Task Manager from within
the menu system.
Error Logs - choose between several useful ways of displaying and managing
errors caused by tasks.
Task File - clean out the Task Log removing all entries for tasks that
have completed, have been rejected, or have aborted with an error.
flag file control - remove a SYNC FLAG entry from the file and delete
all waiting tasks with the same SYNC FLAG

Kernel provides programmers with API callable entry points
to create and schedule tasks. Once you become familiar with Task Manager's
queueing system, you can increase productivity by using some of TaskMan's
special features.