Install VistA on GT.M or YottaDB

Authors: Sam Habiel, Kevin Toppenberg, Matthew Toppenberg



Last Updated: August 2021

A Mumps database (like VistA) is a series of routines and globals (a global in Mumps really means a file on disk). To load VistA into GT.M/YottaDB, you need to obtain the these from the CACHE.DAT distributed by the VA. Efforts are underway to lobby the VA to distribute the FOIA instance as a set of globals and routines; rather than in a proprietary format.

Since the establishment of OSEHRA, each monthly update of FOIA is exported as routines and globals in zwrite format at GitHub. In addition, DSS vxVistA can be obtained from this repository and WorldVistA can be obtained from here.

In our example, for setting up a VistA Database, we will use FOIA VistA.

Before downloading VistA, we will start by creating an empty database.

Creating an Empty GT.M/YottaDB Database suitable for VistA

Traditionally, production instances of VistA are hosted under their own username and group. You can create a new username and group and use that for running your VistA; or if you are just testing, use your own non-root username. DO NOT RUN AS ROOT. Places in which you need to run as root are indicated by the presence of sudo.

Create a directory where you will place your environment. These two steps need to be done as a superuser. The directory name or location doesn't matter. In this case, it's foia201608 under /var/db. Second step changes the ownership to your user name and your user group.

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/db/foia201608
$ sudo chown $USER:$USER /var/db/foia201608.
$ cd /var/db/foia201608

Then create folders to hold your routines, globals, journals, and objects. The convention in the VistA community is to call these folders r g j and o. While it's easier to say routines globals journals and objects, I do not want to break with convention.

$ mkdir r g j o

Two parenthetical remarks:

FIS (the company behind GT.M) recommends versioning objects and global directories to allow for rolling upgrades. I personally don't think this is necessary for VistA. More details can be found at the GT.M Acculturation Workshop.

Various people in the VistA community create another directory called "p" for patches, so that you can apply updated routines in the "r" directory and not overwrite the original routine. The intent is reasonable, but what what almost always happens is that I get calls or emails on why changes aren't showing up. VistA tools (KIDS, Fileman, VPE) are all written just expecting a single routine list.

At this point, we need to create an environment file that we will need to source in order to tell GT.M/YottaDB where are our routines and globals are. The reason we need to do this is simple: GT.M/YottaDB bases its operations almost entirely on environment variables from the shell. All values between || need to be replaced. Here's the file, which I called

# This is just a variable so I don't have to type the same thing
# over and over again.
export vista_home="|your directory name|"

# This will set the prompt. This can be anything you want.
# I make it something meaningful to let me know which environment I am on.
export gtm_prompt="|YOUR INSTANCE NAME|"

# Intial Value of error trap upon VistA start-up
#export gtm_etrap='W !,"ERROR IN STARTUP",!! D ^%ZTER HALT' # for production environments
export gtm_etrap='B'             # for development environments

# The location of the global directory. A global directory tells GT.M/YottaDB in
# which database file we will locate a global
export gtmgbldir="${vista_home}/g/mumps.gld"

# The location of where GT.M/YottaDB was installed.
export gtm_dist="|fill this in|"

# Where the routines are.
# If you run 32 bit GT.M/YottaDB, you need to remove /
# On older versions of GT.M (<6.2), the * isn't recognized.
# There should be no reason for you to run 32-bit GT.M these days.
export gtmroutines="${vista_home}/o*(${vista_home}/r) $gtm_dist/"

# Allow relink of routine even if it is on the stack
export gtm_link="RECURSIVE"

# Adjust QUIT behavior to accommodate  bug/feature of
# C style function/procedure unification rather than M/Pascal style
# function/procedure dichotomy
export gtm_zquit_anyway=1

# Run this routine when a process is asked to interrogate itself
# using mupip intrpt
export gtm_zinterrupt='I $$JOBEXAM^ZU($ZPOS)'

# GT.M/YottaDB has non-standard default behavior for null subscripts for local
# variables. Make it standard
export gtm_lct_stdnull=1
export gtm_lvnullsubs=2

# Add GT.M/YottaDB to the path if not already there.
[[ ":$PATH:" != *":${gtm_dist}"* ]] && export PATH="${PATH}:${gtm_dist}"

# GT.M/YottaDB should not short-cut $SELECT and binary boolean operators
# A default optimization.
export gtm_side_effects=1
export gtm_boolean=1

# $SYSTEM Output to use to identify the box the system is running on
export gtm_sysid="|fill this in|"

# For debugging: set the default value of $ZSTEP
export gtm_zstep='n oldio s oldio=$i u 0 w $t(@$zpos),! b  u oldio'

# For QEWD if installed (See
export GTMCI=""

Once this is done, source the file using $ . Then test that what you did works by running $ mumps -dir. You should see this:


Type Control-D or "HALT" to get out.

Save to the root of the VistA instance. This is the location expected by the startup/shutdown scripts we will write later.

Now we need to create the database. You can create a default database by just running mupip create, but rather than do that, we need to write some code to tell GT.M/YottaDB to change its default database for VistA. I will create a file called g/db.gde.

! Change the default segment's file
! to be g/mumps.dat
! to have 4096 byte blocks
! to have an initial DB size of 1048576*4096=4GB
! to allow 1000 locks
! On production environments, add -extension_count=0 to prevent the database
! -> from growing automatically. You need to monitor it and expand it yourself.
! -> Here, it extends by 100MB each time.
! Global buffer count is how many buffers of size block_size should stay in
! -> RAM to cache the data read and written to disk. This set-up uses about 33MB in RAM.
! -> On a production environment, this is one of the variables you typically increase.
change -segment DEFAULT -file="$vista_home/g/mumps.dat" -access_method=BG -allocation=1048576  -block_size=4096 -lock_space=1000 -global_buffer_count=8192 -extension_count=25600

! Ditto pretty much, except this is smaller. Note that we create a new segment
! rather than modify an existing one.
! TEMPGBL unlike the others will be memory mapped to the RAM to allow instant
! access.
! Since it's located in RAM, global_buffer_count does not apply to it.
add    -segment TEMPGBL -file="$vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat" -access_method=MM -allocation=10000  -block_size=4096 -lock_space=1000 -extension_count=2560

! Each global node can be 4096 bytes long; subscripts can be combined to be 512 bytes long
! You will need to increase this for RPMS
change -region  DEFAULT -record_size=4096 -stdnullcoll -key_size=512

! Ditto, but note that we need to assign the new region to its associated segment
add    -region  TEMPGBL -record_size=4096 -stdnullcoll -key_size=512 -dynamic=TEMPGBL

! Add globals to the temporary region
add    -name    HLTMP   -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    TMP     -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    UTILITY -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    XTMP    -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    BMXTMP  -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    XUTL    -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    VPRHTTP -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    KMPTMP  -region=TEMPGBL
add    -name    ZZ*     -region=TEMPGBL

! show all for verification
show -all

! save

Once you save the file, run it.

$ mumps -run ^GDE < g/db.gde |& tee g/db.gde.out

A successful invocation will show you this output on the screen and saved into g/db.gde.out as well.

%GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory


                               *** TEMPLATES ***
                                                                          Std      Inst
                                             Def     Rec   Key Null       Null     Freeze   Qdb      Epoch
 Region                                     Coll    Size  Size Subs       Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn    Taper
                                      0     256    64 NEVER      N    N   DISABLED DISABLED ENABLED

 Segment          Active              Acc Typ Block      Alloc Exten Options
           *                 BG  DYN  1024        100   100 GLOB =1024
                                                                     LOCK = 40
                                                                     RES  =   0
                                                                     ENCR = OFF
                                                                     MSLT =1024
                             MM  DYN  1024        100   100 DEFER
                                                                     LOCK = 40
                                                                     MSLT =1024

         *** NAMES ***
 Global                             Region
 *                                  DEFAULT
 BMXTMP                             TEMPGBL
 HLTMP                              TEMPGBL
 TMP                                TEMPGBL
 UTILITY                            TEMPGBL
 VPRHTTP                            TEMPGBL
 XTMP                               TEMPGBL
 XUTL                               TEMPGBL
 ZZ*                                TEMPGBL

                                *** REGIONS ***
                                                                                                Std      Inst
                                 Dynamic                          Def      Rec   Key Null       Null     Freeze   Qdb      Epoch
 Region                          Segment                         Coll     Size  Size Subs       Coll Jnl on Error Rndwn    Taper
 DEFAULT                         DEFAULT                            0     4096   512 NEVER      Y    N   DISABLED DISABLED ENABLED
 TEMPGBL                         TEMPGBL                            0     4096   512 NEVER      Y    N   DISABLED DISABLED ENABLED

                                *** SEGMENTS ***
 Segment                         File (def ext: .dat)Acc Typ Block      Alloc Exten Options
 DEFAULT                         $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
                                                     BG  DYN  4096    1048576 25600 GLOB=8192
                                                                                    RES =   0
 TEMPGBL                         $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
                                                     MM  DYN  4096      10000  2560 DEFER
                                                                                    RES =   0

                                  *** MAP ***
   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - Names -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -
 From                            Up to                            Region / Segment / File(def ext: .dat)
 %                               BMXTMP                           REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 BMXTMP                          BMXTMP0                          REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 BMXTMP0                         HLTMP                            REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 HLTMP                           HLTMP0                           REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 HLTMP0                          TMP                              REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 TMP                             TMP0                             REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 TMP0                            UTILITY                          REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 UTILITY                         UTILITY0                         REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 UTILITY0                        VPRHTTP                          REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 VPRHTTP                         VPRHTTP0                         REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 VPRHTTP0                        XTMP                             REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 XTMP                            XTMP0                            REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 XTMP0                           XUTL                             REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 XUTL                            XUTL0                            REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 XUTL0                           ZZ                               REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 ZZ                              Za                               REG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  SEG = TEMPGBL
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/tempgbl.dat
 Za                              ...                              REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
 LOCAL LOCKS                                                      REG = DEFAULT
                                                                  SEG = DEFAULT
                                                                  FILE = $vista_home/g/mumps.dat
%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK

%GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file

If you fail, you will see something similar to the following at the end of the output:

%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification FAILED

%GDE-E-VERIFY, Verification FAILED

At this point, we are ready to create our databases. This is easy.

$ mupip create
Created file /var/db/foia201608/g/mumps.dat
Created file /var/db/foia201608/g/tempgbl.dat

To check that everything works fine, run mumps -dir and then DO ^%GD and DO ^%RD. The first will open all the database files for searching and open a shared memory segment on your machine. The second will make sure that your $gtmroutines variable is correct.

$ mumps -dir

FOIA 2016-08>D ^%GD

Global Directory

Global ^*

Total of 0 globals.

Global ^<enter>

FOIA 2016-08>D ^%RD

Routine directory
Routine: *

Total of 0 routines.

Routine: <enter>

It's common with all Unix software relying on POSIX/SysV Shared Memory to report errors with shmget(). If you see that when you are trying to run ^%GD, you need to increase your shared memory limits. I will leave you to google that on your own.

Loading VistA Into the GT.M/YottaDB Database we just Created

I said we will use FOIA VistA. Make sure that wget is installed on your machine, and then get the code (takes 3-30 minutes depending on your internet connection). First switch to a working directory (such as /tmp/) and run this:

$ wget

If you want WorldVistA or vxVistA instead, you can get them from or respectively.

Now unzip it:

$ unzip

Everything gets unzipped in the folder VistA-M-foia/, so you need to use that folder as the first argument of the find commands below.

Next we need to copy the routines to VistA (takes about 30 seconds). There are quotes around the {} because the paths contain spaces.

$ find VistA-M-foia/ -name '*.m' -exec cp "{}" r/ \;

Next we need to load the globals. We use the versatile mupip load command for that. Note that mupip load wants quotes sent down from the shell for any paths that contain spaces; and these do. Again, we tee our output because there is so much of it and because we need to visually inspect that everything got loaded. This takes time; from 10 minutes up to 30 minutes.

$ find VistA-M-foia -name '*.zwr' -exec echo {} \; -exec mupip load \"{}\" \; |& tee g/foia201608-load.log

Verify that none of the globals failed to import.

$ fgrep -- '-E-' g/foia201608-load.log | wc -l

If you get an output that isn't zero, you need to visually inspect what happened.

NB: If you have a machine with multiple cores, you can speed up the loading with something like this (replace number after P variable with number of cores, here 4)

$ find VistA-M-foia -name '*.zwr' -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} -n 1 -P 4 mupip load \"{}\" |& tee g/foia201608-load.log

After we are done with this, we will repeat our smoke test with %GD and %RD.

$ mumps -dir

FOIA 2016-08>D ^%GD

Global Directory

Global ^*


Total of 391 globals.

FOIA 2016-08>D ^%RD

Routine directory
Routine: *
Total of 35547 routines.

At this point we are done loading VistA. It's time to enable journaling on all the regions we want. Following script recovers the database if it was journaled and then enables journaling. File here: vista.journaling

# This is journaling.
if [ -f ${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl ]; then
  if (( $(lsof -t ${vista_home}/g/mumps.dat | wc -l) == 0 )); then
    $gtm_dist/mupip journal -recover -backward ${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl

if (( $(find ${vista_home}/j -name '*_*' -mtime +3 -print | wc -l) > 0 )); then
    echo "Deleting old journals"
    find ${vista_home}/j -name '*_*' -mtime +3 -print -delete

if (( $(lsof -t ${vista_home}/g/mumps.dat | wc -l) == 0 )); then
  $gtm_dist/mupip set -journal="enable,on,before,f=${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl" -region DEFAULT

Source this file to enable journaling.

Creating a Startup/Shutdown Init File for VistA

You can create an init script or systemd service instead of manually running the journaling script to recover. This will run upon startup and shutdown, to make sure your VistA instance is ready. Ubuntu since 15.04 has used systemd as its init system, but may provide compatibility with legacy init scripts. It is recommended to create a systemd-style init service if your system supports it. This guide will provide a tutorial for both systemd setup and SysVinit (legacy) setup. The exact process of starting up/shutting down VistA in each tutorial is different, as different maintainers worked on each tutorial.

Systemd Init Setup Tutorial (Method 1)

As root, create the file /etc/systemd/system/vista.service. You need to put a valid value for /path/to/vista/instance and the user also needs to be valid (here vistauser) and in a valid group (here, also vistauser). File here: vista.service

Description=Control VistA EHR services



The vista.service file refers to two bash scripts that will need to be set up as well. Once obtained, edit these files so that /path/to/vista/instance is a valid path and vistauser is a valid user. Also, make sure you have, created earlier, saved to /path/to/vista/instance for the scripts to work. file here:

# vistastart

# K. Toppenberg, MD
# M. Toppenberg
# Edited 5/19/21
# This script is called from systemd, as configured by
#   /etc/systemd/system/vista.service
# Output of this script will be output to systemd log file, so no
#  need in here to output to log file directly.

source |path/to/vista/instance|/

echo "In"
echo "gtm_dist=$gtm_dist"
echo "vista_home=$vista_home"
echo "running as user $USER ($EUID)"

if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "Run as $vista_user, not as root."

rm -f ${HOME}/*.mj[oe]

# If a database is shutdown cleanly there shouldn't be anything in the
# journals to replay, so we can run this without worry
if [ -f ${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl ]; then
  echo "Recovering old journals..."
  $gtm_dist/mupip journal -recover -backward $vista_home/j/mumps.mjl
$gtm_dist/mupip rundown -region DEFAULT
$gtm_dist/mupip set -journal="enable,on,before,f=$vista_home/j/mumps.mjl" -file $vista_home/g/mumps.dat

echo "Starting TaskMan"
$gtm_path/mumps -run ZTMB

#remove old journal files
if (( $(find ${vista_home}/j -name '*_*' -mtime +3 -print | wc -l) > 0 )); then
  echo "Deleting old journals..."
  find ${vista_home}/j -name '*_*' -mtime +3 -print -delete

echo "$(date) Server start." file here:

# vistastop

# K. Toppenberg, MD
# M. Toppenberg
# Edited 5/19/21
# This script is called from systemd, as configured by
#   /etc/systemd/system/vista.service
# Output of this script will be output to systemd log file, so no
#  need in here to output to log file directly.

source |path/to/vista/instance|/

echo "In, gtm_dist=$gtm_dist, vista_home=$vista_home"

$gtm_dist/mumps -run %XCMD "S U=\"^\" D GROUP^ZTMKU(\"SMAN(NODE)\"),GROUP^ZTMKU(\"SSUB(NODE)\"),STPACT^ZTMKU W \"Done shutting down

# Wait for TaskMan to stop
echo "Waiting for TaskMan to stop (2 sec)"
sleep 2

processes=$(pgrep mumps)
if [ -n "${processes}" ] ; then
  echo "Stopping any remaining M processes nicely"
  pgrep mumps | xargs --max-args=1 "mupip" stop
  sleep 2

processes=$(pgrep mumps)
if [ -n "${processes}" ] ; then
  echo "M process are being shutdown forcefully!"
  ps -ef | grep mumps
  pkill -9 mumps

echo "$(date) Server stop."

After obtaining and correcting the start and stop bash script files, put them into /path/to/vista/instance/bin (this folder may need to be created). Then, make the scripts executable with chmod. Also, create /path/to/vista/instance/tmp so the working directory exists.

Finally, we will enable the systemd service. This command will prompt you for your root password even if not running directly as root.

$ systemctl enable --now vista.service

Including the --now flag will start the service without the need for a reboot. This flag is optional.

You have now set up systemd to start Vista on startup. No need to follow the instructions below for the older SysVinit setup, but you should still read the section below SysVinit setup labelled "Pre-Compile Routines".

SysVinit (Legacy) Init Setup Tutorial (Method 2)

The following is the init script you will create on your system. You need to put a valid value for vista_instance and the user also needs to be valid (here vistauser). File here: vista.initd

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2011-2017 The Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# init script for VistA

# Debian LSB info
# Provides:          foiavista
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start VistA services at boot time
# Description:       Starts/Stops VistA instances in a sane way.
#                    Includes starting TaskMan.

# Start VistA
start() {
    # If a database is shutdown cleanly there shouldn't be anything in the
    # journals to replay, so we can run this without worry
  source ${vista_instance}/
  su - vistauser -c "source ${vista_instance}/ &&
    if [ -f ${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl ]; then
      echo \"Recovering old journals...\"
      mupip journal -recover -backward ${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl

  if (( $(find ${vista_home}/j -name '*_*' -mtime +3 -print | wc -l) > 0 )); then
    echo "Deleting old journals..."
    find ${vista_home}/j -name '*_*' -mtime +3 -print -delete

  # Rundown readonly GT.M/YDB databases
  for f in $gtm_dist/*.dat; do $gtm_dist/mupip rundown -f $f; done

  # Delete temp and then recreate
  echo "Deleting and recreating temp region"
  rm -vf $basedir/g/tempgbl.dat
  su - vistauser -c "source ${vista_instance}/ && $gtm_dist/mupip create -region=TEMPGBL"

  su - vistauser -c "source ${vista_instance}/; mupip rundown -region '*'"
  su - vistauser -c "source ${vista_instance}/; mupip set -journal=\"enable,on,before,f=${vista_home}/j/mumps.mjl\" -region DEFAULT"

  echo "Starting TaskMan"
  su - vistauser -c "source ${vista_instance}/; mumps -run ZTMB"


# Stop VistA
stop() {
    su - vistauser -c "source ${vista_instance}/; mumps -run %XCMD 'S U=\"^\" D STOP^ZTMKU' << EOF
    # Wait for TaskMan to stop
    echo "Waiting for TaskMan to stop (2 sec)"
    sleep 2

    echo "Stopping any remaining M processes nicely"
    su - vistauser -c ". ${vista_instance}/ && pgrep mumps | xargs --max-args=1 mupip stop"
    sleep 2

    processes=$(pgrep mumps)
    if [ ! -z "${processes}" ] ; then
      echo "M process are being shutdown forcefully!"
      pkill -9 mumps
    rm -fv /tmp/gtm_*

case "$1" in
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"

You have to save this script in /etc/init.d/, and make it executable and owned by root, and add the correct run levels for the Linux kernel. On Ubuntu, this would look like this. You need to be root (or sudo) to perform these steps:

$ cd /etc/init.d/
$ edit vista.initd # create the file here. Skip if done.
$ chown root:root vista.initd
$ chmod +x vista.initd
$ update-rc.d vista.initd defaults
$ update-rc.d vista.initd enable

Pre-Compile Routines

The next step is not necessary if you don't plan to have users log-in. You should pre-compile the routines on GT.M/YottaDB so they do not have to be compiled at runtime. You can speed this up with xargs if you have multiple cores (left as an exercise to the reader).

$ cd o
$ for r in ../r/*.m; do mumps $r; done 2>&1 | tee ../compile_all.log

At this point, you are ready to continue to Initialize Vista.