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^XQDATE: Convert $H to VA FileMan Format (Obsolete)

NOTE: The ^XQDATE API is obsolete. You should use either of the following APIs instead:

Reference Type: Supported, Category: Menu Manager, ICR#: 10079


The ^XQDATE API converts $H formatted input date to a VA FileMan formatted date in %, and in human readable format (e.g., Jan. 9, 1990 1:37 PM) in %Y variable.



Make sure to perform the following steps before calling this API:

  1. NEW all non-namespaced variables.

  2. Set all input variables.

  3. Call the API.

Input Variables


(optional) If this variable is not set, the system uses $H.

Output Variables


Returns the converted $H date in VA FileMan format.


Returns the converted $H date, in human readable format.