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$$VDEA^XUSER(): Check if User Can Sign Controlled Substance Orders

Reference Type: Supported, Category: User: DEA ePCS Utility, ICR#: 2343


The $$VDEA^XUSER extrinsic function determines if a user in the NEW PERSON (#200) file is able to sign orders for controlled substances.

NOTE: This API was released with Kernel Patch XU*8.0*580, which was created in support of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances (ePCS) Utility. This utility uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and meets the requirements proposed by the DEA Interim Final Rule (IFR) for Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances effective as of June 1, 2010.



Input Parameters


(required) This is a reference to an array where the reasons why the user cannot sign orders for controlled substances and which DEA schedules the user can prescribe is returned. For example:

    RETURN("Is permitted to prescribe all schedules.")=""

(required) This is the IEN of the user in the NEW PERSON (#200) file.

Output Parameters


This array contains the reasons why the user cannot sign orders for controlled substances and which DEA schedules the user can prescribe. For example:

    RETURN("Is not permitted to prescribe any schedules.")=""




  • 1—If the user is able to sign orders for controlled substances.

  • 0—If the user is not able to sign orders for controlled substances.