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$$ADD^XPDPROT(): Add Child Protocol to Parent Protocol

Reference Type: Supported, Category: Menu Manager, ICR#: 5567


The $$ADD^XPDPROT extrinsic function adds a child input protocol to a parent input protocol ITEM (#10) Multiple field in the PROTOCOL (#101) file.

NOTE: This API was released with Kernel Patch XU*8.0*547.



Input Parameters


(required) Name of the parent input protocol in the PROTOCOL (#101) file to which a child input protocol should be added.


(required) Name of the child input protocol being added to the parent input protocol in the PROTOCOL (#101) file.


(optional) The mnemonic value to be added to the MNEMONIC (#2) field in the ITEM (#10) Multiple field in the PROTOCOL (#101) file for the child in the parent input protocol.


(optional) The sequence value to be added to the SEQUENCE (#3) field in the ITEM (#10) Multiple field in the PROTOCOL (#101) file for the child in the parent input protocol.




  • 1—Success, child input protocol added to the input parent input protocol ITEM (#10) Multiple field in the PROTOCOL (#101) file.

  • 0—Failure, child input protocol not added to the input parent input protocol ITEM (#10) Multiple field in the PROTOCOL (#101) file.