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REMVSURO^XQALSURO(): Remove Surrogates for Alerts

Reference Type: Supported, Category: Alerts, ICR#: 2790


The REMVSURO^XQALSURO API removes any surrogates for alerts for the specified user.



Input Parameters


(required) This is the Internal Entry Number (IEN, DUZ value) in the NEW PERSON (#200) file for the specified user.

xqalsuro: (optional) IEN of user in NEW PERSON (#200) file. If passed, only the user who is passed is removed from the list of surrogates. If not passed, only the current surrogate is removed (if any).
xqalstrt: (optional) If passed, the surrogate is removed only from the start date indicated. If not passed, the surrogate is removed starting from the date of the current surrogate (if any). If there is no current surrogate, no entries are removed.

