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GETWP^XPAR(): Return Word-Processing Text

Reference Type: Supported, Category: Toolkit—Parameter Tools, ICR#: 2263


The GETWP^XPAR API returns word-processing text in the returnedtext parameter. The returnedtext parameter itself contains the value field, which is free text that may contain a title, description, etc. The word-processing text is returned in returnedtext(#,0).

REF: For descriptive information about the elements and how they are used in the callable entry points into XPAR, see the “Definitions” section in the "Toolkit—Parameter Tools" section in the Kernel 8.0 & Kernel Toolkit 7.3 Developer's Guide.



Input/Output Parameters


(required) This parameter is defined as the name of an array in which you want the text returned. The .returnedtext parameter is set to the title, description, etc. The actual word-processing text is returned in returnedtext(#,0). For example:

     >returnedtext=“Select Notes Help”
     >returnedtext(1,0)=“To select a progress note from the list, “
     >returnedtext(2,0)=“click on the date/title of the note.”

Input Parameters


(required) Entity can be set to the following:

  • Internal variable pointer (nnn;GLO(123,).

  • External format of the variable pointer using the three-character prefix (prefix.entryname).

  • Prefix alone to set the parameter based on the current entity selected.

This works for the following entities:

  • USR—Uses current value of DUZ.

  • DIV—Uses current value of DUZ(2).

  • SYS—Uses system (domain).

  • PKG—Uses the package to which the parameter belongs.

(required) Can be passed in external or internal format. Identifies the name or internal entry number (IEN) of the parameter as defined in the PARAMETER DEFINITION (#8989.51) file.


(optional) Defaults to 1 if not passed. Can be passed in external or internal format. Internal format requires that the value be preceded by the grave accent (`) character.

Output Parameter


(optional) If used, must be passed in by reference. It returns any error condition that may occur:

  • 0 (Zero)—If no error occurs.

  • #^errortextIf an error does occur.

    The # is the number in the VA FileMan DIALOG (#.84) file and the “errortext” describes the error.


     >D GETWP^XPAR(.X,”PKG”,”ORW HELP”,”lstNotes”,.ERROR)