VistA Infrastructure (VI) APIs: Kernel, Toolkit, and RPC Broker Banner
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APIs Introduction

Content Information

The VistA Infrastructure (VI) Application Program Interfaces (APIs) contents list can be displayed in the following four ways:

  1. Category List:

    APIs are listed alphabetically by category type (default). Within each category, APIs are then listed in alphabetical order by routine name of the entry point. Within each routine grouping, APIs are then listed in alphabetical order by tag name of the routine entry point.

  2. Routine Names Alphabetic List:

    APIs are listed alphabetically by routine name. Within each routine grouping, APIs are then listed in alphabetical order by tag name of the routine entry point.

  3. Tag Names Alphabetic List:

    APIs are listed alphabetically by tag name of the routine entry point.

  4. Reference Type List:

    APIs are listed by reference type (i.e., Supported or Controlled Subscription). Within each reference type, APIs are then listed in alphabetical order by routine name of the entry point. Within each routine grouping, APIs are then listed in alphabetical order by tag name of the routine entry point.

API Information

Each VistA Infrastructure (VI) API displays the following information in the order listed:

  1. API Name (required):

    This is the name of the API and is followed by a colon and a brief descriptive phrase of its use. It is written in one of the following formats:

    For example:

        MAIL^XLFNSLK(): Get IP Addresses for a Domain Name

    In this case "MAIL" is the tag name, "XLFNSLK" is the routine name, and the parenthesis indicate that this API may take input parameters. The lack of "$$" preceding the tag name indicates that this API is a procedure. The brief text that follows the colon gives you a general idea of what this API does.

    Another example:

        $$ADDRESS^XLFNSLK(): Conversion (Domain Name to IP Addresses)

    In this case "ADDRESS" is the tag name, "XLFNSLK" is the routine name, and the parenthesis indicate that this API may take input parameters. The "$$" preceding the tag name indicates that this API is an extrinsic function. The brief text that follows the colon gives you a general idea of what this API does.

  2. Reference Type (required):

    The Reference Type indicates the Integration Control Registration (ICR) for the API:

    NOTE: Private APIs are not documented in this manual.

  3. Category (required):

    The Category indicates the general category to which the API belongs.

  4. Integration Control Registration (required):

    The Integration Control Registration indicates the Supported or Controlled Subscription Reference Integration Control Registration (ICR) number for the API.

  5. Description (required):

    This section provides an overall description of the API. Please include the patch reference ID (e.g., XU*8.0*999) if this API is being released via a patch.

  6. Format (required):

    This section displays the format (usage) of the API. Optional parameters appear inside rectangular brackets [ ]. For example, tag^routine(x[,y]), the x input parameter is required and the y input parameter is optional. Rectangular brackets around a leading period [.] in front of a parameter indicate that you can optionally pass that parameter by reference.

  7. Input Parameters / Input Variables (optional):

    This section lists all input parameters/variables for the API:

    All input parameters must indicate whether they are "required" or "optional."

  8. Output / Output Parameters / Output Variables (optional):

    This section lists all output or output variables returned by the API:

  9. Details (optional):

    This section provides any additional  information regarding the use of the API. This should include anything not already included in the API "Description" section.

  10. Examples (required):

    This section provides one or more examples demonstrating the use/functionality of the API (not all APIs have examples).