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ALERTDAT^XQALBUTL(): Get Alert Tracking File Information

Reference Type: Supported, Category: Alerts, ICR#: 2788


The ALERTDAT^XQALBUTL API returns information from the ALERT TRACKING (#8992.1) file for alerts with the xqaid input parameter as its alert ID in the array specified by the root input parameter. If root is not specified, then the data is returned in an XQALERTD array. If the specified alert is not present, the root array is returned with a NULL value.



Input Parameters


(required) This is the value of the alert identifier. It is passed to the routine or option that is run when the alert is selected. It can also be obtained from a listing of all of the xqaid values for a specified user and/or patient.


(optional) This parameter is a closed reference to a local or global root. If root is not specified, then the data is returned in an XQALERTD array.




  • ALERT TRACKING File Entry—The information associated with the desired entry in the ALERT TRACKING (#8992.1) file descendent from the specified root.

  • NULL—If the specified alert is not present, the array root is returned with a NULL value.


>S XQAID="NO-ID;20;2990212.11294719"


>D ^%G Global ^TMP($J,"A"
^TMP(000056198,"A",.01) = NO-ID;20;2990212.11294719
^TMP(000056198,"A",.01,"NAME") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.02) = 2990212.112947^FEB 12, 1999@11:29:47
^TMP(000056198,"A",.02,"DATE CREATED") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.03) = NO-ID ^TMP(000056198,"A",.03,"PKG ID") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.04) =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.04,"PATIENT") = ^TMP(000056198,"A",.05) = 20^USER,XXX
^TMP(000056198,"A",.05,"GENERATED BY") = 
^TMP(000056198,"A",.06) = ^TMP(000056198,"A",.06,"GENERATED WHILE QUEUED") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.07) =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.07,"STATUS") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.08) =
^TMP(000056198,"A",.08,"RETENTION DATE") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",1.01) = TEST MESSAGE (ROUTINE) 20
^TMP(000056198,"A",1.01,"DISPLAY TEXT") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",1.02) = ^TMP(000056198,"A",1.02,"OPTION FOR PROCESSING") = 
^TMP(000056198,"A",1.03) =
^TMP(000056198,"A",1.03,"ROUTINE TAG") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",1.04) = XM ^TMP(000056198,"A",1.04,"ROUTINE FOR PROCESSING") =
^TMP(000056198,"A",2) =
^TMP(000056198,"A",2,"DATA FOR PROCESSING") =

The data elements at the top-level of the ALERT TRACKING (#8992.1) file are returned subscripted by the field numbers. This subscript is sufficient to obtain the data. The values are shown as internal^external if the internal and external forms are different. The next subscript after the field number provides the field names if they are desired.