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File Utilities

Template Edit

The Template Edit option available on the VA FileMan Utility Functions submenu, is used to edit each of the three types of VA FileMan templates:

For each template type, a two-screen ScreenMan form is used. This allows you to edit templates in Screen Mode.

The first screen of the pair allows you to change the access privileges of the template you're editing:

The first screen also allows you to enter a DESCRIPTION for the purpose of documenting what the template does. This DESCRIPTION will be printed on a "TEMPLATES ONLY" data dictionary list, and in the "TEMPLATES" section of other data dictionary listings.

The second screen allows you to edit the contents of a template. In order to "jump" to the second screen from the first screen in a Screen Mode, you need only press the <PF1><ArrowDown> from wherever you are on the current screen. 

NOTE: The first screen provides the usual kind of field-by-field Help in response to entering a single question mark ("?"); all Help messages are displayed in the lower portion of the screen. Also, entering <PF1>H will provide general ScreenMan Help.

The second screen, however, does not provide help on individual entries. Thus, if you are building a complicated new template from scratch, it is still a good idea to use the traditional, interactive Scrolling Mode with the Enter or Edit File Entries and Print File Entries options.

Here is an example the first screen of a PRINT template using the Template Edit option:

Select Utility Functions Option: TEMPLATE Edit


(NOV 04, 2004@11:29)

You will then be taken into a ScreenMan form where you can edit the template properties, as shown below:

The dates shown following the "DATE LAST MODIFIED" and "DATE LAST USED" prompts are for informational purposes only and are not editable. Also, if a template has been "compiled" into a set of routines, an informational message will be displayed near the top of the screen (e.g., "Compiled as '^XUFILE0 routine").

22.2Note the caption that reads "CANONIC FOR FILE 200:"   A 'canonic' template is one that is specifically designated as the 'preferred' Template to use for a given File (File 200 in this example).  Answering "Y" to the prompt here would make "XUFILEINQ" the Template name that would be prompted as the default in user interaction dialogues "PRINT" and "INQUIRE".

On the second screen of the form, you will see the SORT, PRINT, or INPUT fields themselves. Thus, you can use this second screen to edit the specific template fields. 

Here is an example of the second screen of a PRINT template using the Template Edit option:

ScreenMan Form where you can edit a template (second screen).

As you can see from this example, fields under a Multiple field (e.g., ACCESSIBLE FILE) are indented. As you edit, add, and delete subfields here, you must preserve the indentation. The same holds true for Relational Navigation within the template; fields jumped to are in a different file and are indented an extra three spaces each. You don't have to indent each new level exactly three spaces, however, there must be some extra number of spaces. Then, if necessary, "un-indent" the same number of spaces to get back to a previous level.

If a SORT template has a user number (i.e., USER #), only that user can use that SORT template in the VA FileMan Print File Entries option. To remove this restriction, simply delete the user number by entering an at-sign ("@") at the "USER #" prompt.

For SORT templates, you can also use the first screen of the Template Edit option to associate a particular PRINT template with a SORT template. Thus, whenever that SORT template is invoked in the Print File Entries option, the associated PRINT template will be used by default, with no "FIRST PRINT FIELD:" prompt being displayed to the user.

Select Utility Functions Option: TEMPLATE Edit


(DEC 14, 2012@13:18) File #200 SORT

You will then be taken into a ScreenMan form where you can edit the properties of the template, as shown below:

ScreenMan Form where you can edit a template (first screen).

22.2Again note the "CANONIC FOR FILE 200" question.   If a Sort Template has been designated as CANONIC, the user who goes into the FileMan PRINT option will see that Template name as a default answer to the "SORT BY:" query.

Here is an example of the second screen of a SORT template using the Template Edit option: 

ScreenMan Form where you can edit a template (second screen).

Editing SORT template fields is particularly tricky; however, most SORT templates have only three or so sort levels.   The specifications for each successive level of sorting are indented further to the right. You can add or insert sort levels, however, each sort group of lines must be indented further to the right than the sort group above it. For each level of sorting, except when the sorting is on a Boolean value, there should be a "From:" line and a "To:" line. You can also have a fourth line that says "ASK" or "DO NOT ASK," for sort ranges other than first-to-last. Remember to indent each line in a sort group by the same number of spaces.


Reviewed/Updated: October 2016