Edit File
The Edit File option available on the VA FileMan Utility Functions
submenu displays the various attributes of a file you specify in Screen Mode
(i.e., invokes a
ScreenMan form).
Here is an example using the Edit File option with the ORDER file (#100)
in Screen Mode:
Select Utility Functions Option: edit File
You will then be taken into a ScreenMan form where you can edit the
properties of the file, as shown below:
You can use this option to:
- Edit the Name of a File -- Edit the file name at the "FILE
NAME:" prompt.
- Delete a File -- If you enter an at-sign ("@") at the
"FILE NAME:" prompt, you are given the choice of deleting the entire
file and its data attribute dictionary (including all of its templates
and file definitions) or just deleting the current individual entries in
the file. However, you cannot delete a file that is pointed to
by another file.
- Enter or Edit the Description of a File -- You can enter or
edit the word processing text description for documenting the file at the
"DESCRIPTION..." prompt. This description appears in the Standard, Modified
Standard, and Global Map format data dictionary listings.
- Enter or Edit the Application Group -- You can enter or edit
the Application Group at the "Select APPLICATION GROUP:" prompt. Enter a
namespace (from two to four characters) indicating a package accessing this
- Enter or Edit the Developer's Name -- You can enter or edit
the name of the package developer at the "DEVELOPER:" prompt. Entering two
question marks ("??") lets you choose from a list of names.
- Enter or Edit the File Access Parameters -- You can enter or
edit the security access to a file by making entries at the "DATA DICTIONARY
and/or "AUDIT ACCESS:" prompts. File security is fully explained in the "Data
Security" chapter.
- Turn Auditing On/Off for a File's Data Dictionary -- If you
want to turn auditing on for data dictionary changes, enter YES at the "DD
AUDIT:" prompt. Answer NO, if you don't want to audit data dictionary changes.
This is fully explained in the "Auditing" chapter.
- Ask/Don't Ask Users to Confirm Their Entry Selection -- If you
want users who select an entry in a file (for any lookup purpose) to confirm
their entry selection by answering positively at the "
OK?" prompt, answer
This feature can be helpful on files containing many similar or confusingly
named entries (e.g., files for drugs).
If you don't want users to
confirm their entry selection, answer NO at the "ASK 'OK' WHEN LOOKING UP AN
ENTRY:" prompt. The default is NO.
- Enter or Edit a Post-Selection Action (only available when you
have programmer access) -- If you have programmer access, you can write M
code for a
Post-Selection Action, for entries in this file. This is
explained in the "VA FileMan
Programmer Manual."
- Enter a Lookup Routine (only available when you have programmer
access) -- If you have programmer access, you also can enter an existing
lookup routine. To do this, enter a routine namespace (from three to six
characters, no "^") at the "LOOK-UP PROGRAM:" prompt. The name you
choose for the lookup routine must be a routine currently on the system. This
special lookup routine will be executed instead of the standard VA FileMan
lookup logic, whenever a call is made to ^DIC.
- Specify that Cross-references on a File Should be Compiled (only
available when you have programmer access) -- If you have programmer
access, you also can specify that cross-references on a file should be
compiled. To do this, enter a routine namespace (from three to six characters,
no "^") at the "CROSS-REFERENCE ROUTINE:" prompt. This will become the
namespace of the compiled routine(s). If a new routine name is entered,
but the cross-references are not compiled at this time, the routine name will
be automatically deleted.
To stop the use of the compiled
cross-references, enter an at-sign ("@") at the "CROSS-REFERENCE
ROUTINE:" prompt. At this point, the cross-references are considered
uncompiled, and VA FileMan will not use the routine for re-indexing. If you
decide later to recompile the cross-references, you will be shown the routine
name previously used so that you can easily reuse the same routine name.
Stopping the use of the compiled cross-reference does not delete the
compiled routines. If you want, you can delete those routines manually.
Reviewed/Updated: March 4, 2007