Contents: | Main | Chapter | See Also: | Getting Started Manual | Programmer Manual |
Another format for listing a file's attributes is the Condensed format, and the following example illustrates a Condensed data dictionary listing:
CONDENSED DATA DICTIONARY---PATIENT FILE (#16026)UCI: VAH,KXX STORED IN: ^DIZ(16026, 05/31/91 PAGE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE SECURITY DD SECURITY : # DELETE SECURITY: # READ SECURITY : # LAYGO SECURITY : # WRITE SECURITY : # CROSS REFERENCED BY: NAME(B) FILE STRUCTURE FIELD FIELD NUMBER NAME .01 NAME (RF), [0;1] 1 SEX (RS), [0;2] 2 DATE OF BIRTH (RD), [0;3] 3 RELIGION (P13'), [0;4] 4 DIAGNOSIS (Multiple-16026.04), [1;0] .01 DIAGNOSIS (MF), [0;1] 1 AGE AT ONSET (NJ3,0), [0;2] 2 HISTORY (Multiple-16026.42), [1;0] .01 HISTORY (W), [0;1] 5 PROVIDER (V), [2;1] 6 SSN (RFa), [2;2]
The codes in parentheses following the field names in the Condensed data dictionary contain information regarding the specifications of the field.
Here is a complete list of those codes and their meanings:
Code | Description |
a | The field has been marked for auditing all the time. |
e | The auditing is only on edit or delete. |
A | For Multiples, new subentries can be added without being asked. |
BC | The data is Boolean computed (true or false) and C the data is computed. |
Cm | The data is Multiline computed. |
D | The data is date-valued. |
DC | The data is date-valued, computed. |
F | The data is FREE TEXT. |
I | The data is uneditable. |
Jn | To specify a print length of "n" characters. |
Jn,d | To specify printing "n" characters with "d" decimals. |
K | The data is M code. |
M | For Multiples, the user is asked for another subentry. |
N | The data is NUMERIC-valued. |
O | The field has an OUTPUT transform. |
Pn | The data is a POINTER TO A FILE reference to file "n". |
Pn' | LAYGO to the pointed-to file is not allowed. |
R | Entry of data is required. |
S | The data is from a discreet SET OF CODES. |
V | The data is a VARIABLE-POINTER. |
W | The data is WORD-PROCESSING. |
WL | The WORD-PROCESSING data is normally printed in line mode (i.e., without word wrap). |
X | Editing is not allowed under the Modify File Attributes option, because the INPUT transform has been modified under the Utility Functions submenu. |
* | There is a screen associated with a POINTER TO A FILE, VARIABLE-POINTER, or SET OF CODES DATA TYPEs. |
For example, the SSN field is required (R), is FREE TEXT (F), and is audited (a).
Reviewed/Updated: March 4, 2007