Contents: | Main | Chapter | See Also: | Getting Started Manual | Programmer Manual |
When you choose Brief as the data dictionary format, a brief listing will be produced; the Brief format is more readable but less complete than the default of a Standard listing. Next, you are asked for a destination for the listing's output at the "DEVICE:" prompt. You can specify any valid printer or press the Enter/Return key to send output to your screen as illustrated below:
Here is a sample of a Brief data dictionary listing of an elementary file of patients:
BRIEF DATA DICTIONARY #16026 -- PATIENT FILE 05/31/91 PAGE 1 SITE: KDEMO V7 UCI: VAH,KXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME 16026,.01 FREE TEXT Answer must be 3-30 characters in length. SEX 16026,1 SET 'm' FOR MALE; 'f' FOR FEMALE; DATE OF BIRTH 16026,2 DATE TYPE A DATE BETWEEN 1/1/1860 AND 1963 RELIGION 16026,3 POINTER TO RELIGION FILE (#13) DIAGNOSIS 16026,4 16026.04 Multiple DIAGNOSIS 16026.04,.01 FREE TEXT Answer must be 3-30 characters in length. AGE AT ONSET 16026.04,1 NUMBER Type a Number between 0 and 100, 0 Decimal Digits HISTORY 16026.04,2 16026.42 WORD-PROCESSING PROVIDER 16026,5 VARIABLE POINTER FILE ORDER PREFIX LAYGO MESSAGE 6 1 S n STAFF PROVIDER 16 2 O y OTHER PROVIDER SSN 16026,6 FREE TEXT Social Security Number Enter 9 numbers without dashes.
The information in the data dictionary reports originated in the definition of the file and its fields.
NOTE: The "Creating Files and Fields" chapter explains in detail the source of the information displayed by the List File Attributes option.
This data dictionary listing tells you that for each patient, the following information may be available:
Reviewed/Updated: March 4, 2007