VA FileMan V. 22.0 Getting Started HTML Manual Banner


Main Advanced User Manual Programmer Manual

Previous Updates

The HTML version of the "VA FileMan Getting Started Manual" contains documentation updates since the original release of VA FileMan V. 21.0 documentation in December of 1994 (including new functionality introduced by patches). This page lists all significant updates, in reverse chronological order. For specific updates based on the release of VA FileMan V. 22.0 and any subsequent patches, see the "New Features and Functionality in Version 22.0" topic in this manual.

Date Description of Update Patch/Version Number
06/19/98 Changed title from "User 1" to "Getting Started" manual. Version 21.0
05/27/98 Redid the format and layout of the manual to improve usability:
  • Went from three to two frames - a simpler design.

  • Removed all javascript that 'auto-synched' the frames. The javascript auto-synching made the back button almost useless by stacking too many pages in the "back" buffer.

  • Added Contents link in chapter headers so you can return to contents easily after loading a chapter.

  • Added Contents link on every topic page so that if page is reached on its own (outside of frameset) you can still get to the Contents.

  • Used cascading style sheet to apply a uniform style to all pages, for users of Internet Explorer 4x and greater, and Netscape 4x and greater.
Version 21.0
04/03/97 Changed title page, introduction, and preface to reflect VistA in place of DHCP. Version 21.0
12/03/96 Revised the Browser chapter, and added descriptions of three new features:
  • Copy Text to Clipboard

  • Print Help Text

  • Change Document Title
DI*21*32, Version 21.0
10/02/96 Created a new "tabs" style top frame for the manual set. Eliminated the bottom frame also - less frames (three vs. four before) should mean quicker loading. Version 21.0
09/24/96 All files now get their "last updated" date directly from the file's time/date stamp, via the javascript document.lastModified property. Also, the "framesynching" javascript function will no longer cause an error if a page is loaded on its own, outside of the context of the frameset for this manual.

All cross-manual links (between API and U1 manual, for example) now use "../" syntax to change directories (instead of a full "http:..." path), so the cross-manual links should work, even if the manuals are downloaded to and installed on a PC.

Version 21.0
(inception) What was the "VA FileMan User Manual" is now, in the HTML version, split into two manuals:
  • "Getting Started Manual" - how to use basic VA FileMan features (for all VA FileMan users).

  • "Advanced User Manual" - how to use more advanced VA FileMan features (for ADPACs, developers, and IRM staff)
This manual, the "Getting Started Manual," is now more tightly focused on topics of interest to basic VA FileMan users. It is split into three sections, covering:
  1. Displaying Information

  2. Editing Records

  3. Word Processing
Most of the information in the "Getting Started Manual" has been reorganized and revised since the release of the original V. 21.0 "VA FileMan User Manual" in December of 1994.
Version 21.0


Reviewed/Updated: March 4, 2007