Contents: | Main | Chapter | See Also: | Getting Started Manual | Advanced User Manual |
The extract tool has been enhanced and this has resulted in a number of changes to the output variables of the EN^DIAXU entry point.
This entry point extracts data specified in the EXTRACT template for a single entry and moves that data to a destination file. The source entry may be deleted after the extract process is completed.
If you need to extract in batches (more than one entry), you should use the EXTRACT^DIAXU entry point instead.
(Required) The number of the file that contains the source entry. |
(Required) The EXTRACT template name enclosed in brackets in the source file that contains specifications of data to be extracted. |
(Required) Internal entry number of the source entry from which data will be extracted. |
(Optional) This variable, if defined, tells the program to delete the source entry. If not defined, the source entry is unchanged. |
If the extract process was completed and the data was successfully moved to the destination file, the variables are returned as follows: |
Internal entry number of entry created in the destination file. In addition to DIAXDA, ^TMP("DIAXU",$J,"RESULT",DIAXF,DIAXFE)=DIAXDA is returned. |
No longer returned. For batch processing of extracts, you should
use the EXTRACT^DIAXU entry point instead of this one. |
No longer killed upon exit. |
Not killed. |
Not killed. |
Not killed. |
If an error occurs during the extract process, the following variable and global array are returned instead: |
Contains the following two ^-pieces of information:
In addition, the following "RESULT","ERR" node is returned: ^TMP("DIAXU",$J,"RESULT","ERR",file#,ien) For example, ^TMP("DIAXU",$J,"RESULT","ERR",662001,5) No longer indicates the total number of errors encountered during
the extract process. |
(array in ^TMP) |
Error information is returned in ^TMP("DIERR",$J), in the same
format that error information is returned for DBS calls. Please refer to the "How to Use the Database Server" section for a complete description of this array. |
Not defined. |
All input variables |
Left defined. |
This entry point calls $$FIND1^DIC, LIST^DIC, UPDATE^DIE, $$GET1^DIQ, and GETS^DIQ; any errors returned by these entry points can also be returned by EN^DIAXU.
In addition, the following errors may be returned:
201 | An input variable is missing or invalid. |
601 | The entry does not exist. |
Reviewed/Updated: March 10, 2007