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The ^DIKCBLD programmer mode utility creates a routine that makes a call to CREIXN^DDMOD to create a New-Style cross-reference.
If you use KIDS to transport a field that is a value in a New-Style cross-reference, that cross-reference is automatically transported and installed at the installing site. In some situations, however, you can create a New-Style cross-reference definition on a target system without sending fields, or create a New-Style cross-reference on-the-fly on a running system. To do this, you can write an M routine that makes a call to CREIXN^DDMOD.
The input parameters to the CREIXN^DDMOD API are fairly extensive. ^DIKCBLD can be used to facilitate the development of the code that calls CREIXN^DDMOD. It automatically builds an M routine that sets up the input parameters and makes the call to CREIXN^DDMOD.
When ^DIKCBLD is run, it asks you for the following information:
The input parameters to the CREIXN^DDMOD call in the generated routine are set based on the selected cross-reference.
NOTE: The routine generated by ^DIKCBLD is a skeleton. You must still edit the routine to fill in the missing details on the first and second lines, as well as customize the parameters routine to the CREIXN^DDMOD call.
>D ^DIKCBLD Routine name: ZZTEST Routine ZZTEST already exists. Do you wish to replace routine ZZTEST? NO// YES Programmer initials: OX Namespace to use for local variables: MY CROSS-REFERENCE FROM WHAT FILE: 16012 <Enter> ZZMYTESTFILE (1 entry) Current Indexes on file #16012: 220 'AD' index Which Index do you wish to to build a routine for? 220 <Enter> AD 'ZZTEST' ROUTINE FILED. Done! Be sure to edit the routine to fill in the missing details, and to customize the call to CREIXN^DDMOD. >ZL ZZTEST ZP ZZTEST ;xxxx/OX-CREATE NEW-STYLE XREF ;11:06 AM 9 Jul 2002 ;;1.0 ; N myXR,myRES,myOUT S myXR("FILE")=16012 S myXR("NAME")="AD" S myXR("TYPE")="MU" S myXR("USE")="A" S myXR("EXECUTION")="F" S myXR("SHORT DESCR")="This MUMPS cross-reference updates field #2 when field #1 is deleted." S myXR("DESCR",1)="The kill logic of this cross-reference calls the Filer to stuff today's" S myXR("DESCR",2)="date into field #2 whenever the value of field #1 is deleted." S myXR("DESCR",3)=" " S myXR("DESCR",4)="The set logic calls the Filer to delete the contents of field #2" S myXR("DESCR",5)="when a value is placed into field #1." S myXR("SET")="N ZZFDA,ZZMSG,DIERR S ZZFDA(16012,DA_"","",2)="""" D FILE^DIE("""",""ZZFDA"",""ZZMSG"")" S myXR("KILL")="N ZZFDA,ZZMSG,DIERR S ZZFDA(16012,DA_"","",2)=DT D FILE^DIE("""",""ZZFDA"",""ZZMSG"")" S myXR("SET CONDITION")="S X=X1(1)=""""" S myXR("KILL CONDITION")="S X=X2(1)=""""" S myXR("VAL",1)=1 D CREIXN^DDMOD(.myXR,"SW",.myRES,"myOUT") Q |
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