# This is just a variable so I don't have to type the same thing # over and over again. export vista_home="|your directory name|" # This will set the prompt. This can be anything you want. # I make it something meaningful to let me know which environment I am on. export gtm_prompt="|YOUR INSTANCE NAME|" # Intial Value of error trap upon VistA start-up #export gtm_etrap='W !,"ERROR IN STARTUP",!! D ^%ZTER HALT' # for production environments export gtm_etrap='B' # for development environments # The location of the global directory. A global directory tells GT.M in # which database file we will locate a global export gtmgbldir="${vista_home}/g/mumps.gld" # The location of where GT.M/YottaDB was installed. export gtm_dist="|fill this in|" # Where the routines are. # If you run 32 bit GT.M/YottaDB, you need to remove /libgtmutil.so # On older versions of GT.M (<6.2), the * isn't recognized. # There should be no reason for you to run 32-bit GT.M these days. export gtmroutines="${vista_home}/o*(${vista_home}/r) $gtm_dist/libgtmutil.so" # Allow relink of routine even if it is on the stack export gtm_link="RECURSIVE" # Adjust QUIT behavior to accommodate bug/feature of # C style function/procedure unification rather than M/Pascal style # function/procedure dichotomy export gtm_zquit_anyway=1 # Run this routine when a process is asked to interrogate itself # using mupip intrpt export gtm_zinterrupt='I $$JOBEXAM^ZU($ZPOS)' # GT.M has non-standard default behavior for null subscripts for local # variables. Make it standard export gtm_lct_stdnull=1 export gtm_lvnullsubs=2 # Add GT.M to the path if not already there. [[ ":$PATH:" != *":${gtm_dist}"* ]] && export PATH="${PATH}:${gtm_dist}" # GT.M should not short-cut $SELECT and binary boolean operators # A default optimization. export gtm_side_effects=1 export gtm_boolean=1 # $SYSTEM Output to use to identify the box the system is running on export gtm_sysid="|fill this in|" # For debugging: set the default value of $ZSTEP export gtm_zstep='n oldio s oldio=$i u 0 w $t(@$zpos),! b u oldio' # For QEWD if installed (See http://qewdjs.com/) export GTMCI=""