Information on M Technology abounds on the Internet. But some of it has fallen by the wayside - too
many dead links. We are
attempting to sort though all that information to provide a comprehensive set of jumping off points.
If we've missed anything or anyone, please email us at webmaster@hardhats.org. This list was last updated by Sam Habiel in 2023.
Disclaimer: The listing of these products and services is not meant as an endorsement by Hardhats.

M Implementors
Creators of the OpenM and Caché M's, and current owners of DSM, MSM
and Datatree M. DSM and Caché
are currently used by the VA to run
their VistA software. Download free, single-user version of Caché for
or Linux and get Caché documentation here.
Outside of the VA and IHS, most VistA instances run on YottaDB or
its parent code base GT.M (no website). YottaDB runs the largest VistA
system in the world in Jordan as part of the Hakeem project.
YottaDB is 100% open-source.
PFCS Corporation
Unix MUMPS Reference Standard MUMPS (formerly MUMPS V1)
Supported now by David Wicksell of Fourth Watch
FreeM resurrected and maintained by Coherent Logic Development
Unix and Linux MUMPS

3rd-Party M Software and Services
AudioCARE Systems
Telephone and Web-based patient information delivery systems. (Formerly MUMPS AudioFax.)
Forest Software Ltd
M systems design and training.
Fourth Watch Installation, hosting, monitoring and maintenance of M systems.
George James Software
The home of Serenji, a debugging tool and other M tools. Check their Support Center for help in using MSM-Workstation!
Knowledge Based Systems
Provides SQL and ODBC to most versions of M through their KB_SQL product. (Note the LB_SQL Users Community site below.)
M Link
Client/server interface with M on the server. M/Gateway Developments Ltd.
Tools for using M with the Web, and consulting services.
Pioneer Data Systems
Training and consulting services.
M and FM v21 for free
this free version of M that has been pre-configured to run File Manager
v21. Dave Whitten, a fellow Hardhat, created it with MSM Workstation,
so it is limited to a single user. Check out the readme.txt
for details.

M Resources
comp.lang.mumps - Newsgroup archive at Google
Generic Universal MUMPS (GUM) source code
Generic Universal MUMPS (GUM) and FreeM archives
Hardhats.Org - (You're here!)
Henry Elliott & Company
Specializes in the placement of M and Caché professionals.
M[UMPS] by Example

Newsgroups/Mailing Lists
comp.lang.mumps (click here for the comp.lang.mumps newsgroup FAQ)
Hardhats - Don't forget us!
