VA FileMan V. 22 Key and Index Tutorial
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Lesson 9 - Quiz


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1. Version 22 of VA FileMan allows you to define a database key on a file. What is a database key?
A set of one or more fields that, when taken together, uniquely identifies a record in a file.
A combination of the .01 field and any other field, that, when taken together, uniquely identifies a record in a file.
Neither of the above.
2. The definition of a key is stored in what file?
KEY AND INDEX file (#.13).
KEY file (#.31).
Neither of the above.
3. When you define a key, FileMan automatically enforces the integrity of that key. Key integrity means that:
The key is unique for all records in a file and that all fields that are part of the key, must have values (i.e., they cannot be null).
The key is unique for all records in a file and that the .01 field must have a value (i.e., it cannot be null).
Both of the above.
4. When you create a key in FileMan, a New-style Regular index, called the Uniqueness Index, is automatically created. This index contains as subscripts:
The fields in that key.
The IEN of the key.
Neither of the above.
5. FileMan uses the Uniqueness Index of a key to:
Enforce the integrity of that key.
Lookup entries in the file based on the fields in the key.
Both of the above.
6. If a file has a key, exactly one key in that file must be designated the primary key. All other keys, if any, are secondary keys.
7. FileMan enforces key integrity equally for both primary and secondary keys, but it uses the secondary key as the principal means for looking up entries in a file.
8. If the NAME and SSN fields make up a key, which of the following conditions would violate key integrity?
The SSN for a record is missing.
Two records may have exactly the same NAME and SSN.
Both of the above.

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Reviewed/Updated: March 20, 2007