VA FileMan V. 22 Key and Index Tutorial
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Lesson 4 - Quiz

Answer the questions by selecting the radio buttons, then click the Get Score button at the bottom of the page to calculate your score and see your test results.

1. What are the three types of transforms you can perform in FileMan on cross-reference values used as subscripts in an index, 'Transform For …':
Storage, Lookup, and Display.
Storage, Backup, and Display.
Neither of the above.
2. You can use Transform for Storage to transform the internal value of:
A field-type cross-reference value before it is stored as a subscript in the index.
A subscript before it is stored as a field-type cross-reference in the index.
Neither of the above.
3. Transform for Display takes the value, which has been transformed using the code in the Transform for Storage prior to storing the value in the index and:
Converts it back into internal VA FileMan format for storage.
Converts it back into a form that can be displayed to the user.
Neither of the above.
4. FileMan uses Transform for Lookup during:
A lookup.
Both of the above.
5. Each cross-reference value in a compound index can have its own Transform for Lookup.
6. If a user edits a field, FileMan executes the Transform for Storage and stores the transformed value in the field itself:

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Reviewed/Updated: March 20, 2007